Maximising Solar Fan Efficiency

As the Harmattan season fades off, the cold breeze becomes hot air, the sweater and thick clothes are now kept aside, and the night becomes hot. Now, we consume more cold water, mind what we wear, avoid crowded places, and protect our skin from the sun. We focus more on what to avoid in Extreme Heat.

During extreme heat, it is easy to become dehydrated or for your body to overheat. If this happens, you may develop heat cramps, heat exhaustion, or even heatstroke. Heatstroke is a medical emergency that can permanently damage your vital organs or even cause death if not treated immediately. Extreme heat can also make existing medical conditions worse.

Everyone can be affected by hot weather and it is important for one to take precautions whenever the temperatures start to rise. 

Bearing in mind the heat pros and cons, It is advisable to take advantage of the energy generated from the sun, to stay cool Using durable solar products. 

Solar-powered appliances are gaining considerable attention across the globe. A great way to utilize solar energy is by investing in a solar-powered appliance such as the Oolu Rechargeable Solar Fan.

Oolu rechargeable Solar Fan is an environmental-friendly cooling solution and reduces carbon emissions. Also, it helps to eliminate the long-term dependency on fossil fuels.

Oolu rechargeable solar standing fan comes with an integrated lithium battery, solar panel, AC/DC charger, Inbuilt LED light, and multiple control switches for power regulation. When fully charged, it has a run time of upto 12hours. And serves you better. 

The 30-watt 12v solar panel supports faster battery charge during the day as well as powers the fan, while the energy saved in the battery is utilized at night. One can enjoy a good night’s rest and less Noise!

Oolu rechargeable solar fans can be used at homes, small restaurants & Buka’s, offices, churches, schools, mosques, Viewing centres, etc…

Rechargeable solar fan

With Oolu solar rechargeable fan one feels more comfortable when the weather is hot during the day and at Night.

Get a suitable solar fan installed at your place and take a greener step toward the environment!

Call us for FREE: 0800665876527 / Whatsapp 08089728959.

For bulk purchases at a discounted price, please call Precious: +234703-4343-566

|Editor-in-Chief: Monica Uduku

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