A newspaper article by National Daily published in 2017 stated that Students of Government Girls’ College, Wamba, a boarding school in Nasarawa State, have adjusted to reading with lanterns in the past four years. This is the consequence of perpetual electricity blackouts in schools over the years for reasons the students cannot comprehend.
It is said that; “Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.” (Malcom X) hence studying with restriction should be the foremost concern for all particularly those in the learning institute.
Considerably, nighttime is an adequate studying time, since, there are fewer distractions and most people are in bed. Moreso, this time helps to increase one’s focus and creativity. But it gets frustrating when there is no light to study or charge your device to research while studying at night.
According to the findings of Noble (2006) who reported that students’ performance is highly correlated with study habits and learning experience. The moment a power outage prevents students from studying well, their learning experiences will be poor and the resultant effect is poor performance. Epileptic power supply made a total contribution of 99.8% of the variables of academic activities. Ref: ARTICLE
In Nigeria, the national power grid has collapsed for the 7th time this year and the hike in fuel prices makes the situation worse. Subsequently, when studying at night and there is a sudden power outage, one would be forced to stop studying.
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Oolu Nigeria, whose impact focuses on energy access and education, recently reintroduced the new look and improved performance of WowSolar 400.
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Furthermore, Wow Solar 400 is a solar home system with integrated Pay-as-you-go functionality. This product provides home lighting through an energy system composed of a solar panel, and a combined control unit with a battery.
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Editor-in-Chief: Monica Uduku